Has someone written (libel) or said (slander) anything that could harm your reputation? It is not surprising that defamation lawyers’ cases have increased with the advent of social media.

If you think someone has defamed your reputation schedule an appointment with one of our defamation lawyers who can advise you on making this determination and in cases where you have acted swiftly by issuing a Concerns Notice pursuant to the Defamation Act 2005 (WA) requesting an Offer to Make Amends. This Offer to Make Amends should include a written apology, a written undertaking to cease and desist from making any further defamatory statements, damages and legal costs.
If an appropriate Offer to Make Amends is not received within 28 days. Our defamation lawyers can assist you with the commencement of legal proceedings to include aggravated damages. Aggravated damages are awarded for defamation where the injury to the Plaintiff is exacerbated by the Defendant’s conduct. Failure to make an apology is considered an aggravating factor.