Our debt recovery lawyers have a strong history of successfully collecting outstanding debts on our clients’ behalf. Our success is made possible thanks to our experience in complex disputes and debt recovery litigation and our ability to enforce our clients’ rights as a creditor as we pursue debts owed to them.

Debt recovery is NOT a ONE SIZE FITS ALL.
It requires awareness of the options available (usually determined by the terms and conditions of trade agreements or debt contract) along with the legal knowledge in complex Corporations Law and Insolvency; and legal debt recovery procedures such as: Legal letters of demand; Statutory Demands; Debt recovery court actions; Debt Appropriation Orders; Means Inquiries; Caveats; and Personal Property Security Registrations.
When a debtor defaults it is extremely important to consult a debt recovery lawyer for legal advice on all the available options and put a legal strategy in place for recovery that is appropriate for the particular circumstances in each case.
Our debt recovery lawyers experience and legal knowledge can ensure you enjoy the peace of mind of knowing you have the best opportunity for recovery of outstanding debtors and protection in the event of a debtor becoming bankrupt or insolvent. We achieve this by working together with you and review the terms and conditions of trade to incorporate options to enable you as creditor to secure the defaulted debt such as directors personal guarantees; authority to register caveats and/or Personal Property Security against the debtor’s personal property as well as incorporating a set charge on default by a debtor to cover legal costs.